Consulting | Financial Technology | System Integration | Outsourcing | Managed Services
DEAM at a Glance
- Headquartered in Singapore
- Established in Cambodia since 1995
- A leader in financial solution services, enterprises technology
- Building its own capabilities and creating a cost effective
core team that manages application, implementation,
customization, consulting, integration and training - Services, digital transformation, IT Infrastructures Engineered
system, Managed services, Cloud platform application and ATM
white label. DEAM is at the forefront of innovation offerings Fintech solutions
Our Purpose
Our purpose was to develop more ecosystem collaboration with our business partners and to help our clients deliver on the promise of a sustainable value through digital tranformation.
Code Of Business Ethics
Our Code of Business Ethics is our ongoing commitment to maintaining and promoting world-class standards of business integrity and trust, whenever we operate, and client served.

Our reputation is built on trust and performance

- A simple, honest and direct relationship
- Customer focused
- Customers must be involved early in the development process to test relevancy and user-friendliness
- Addressing a broad spectrum of customers need
- Aligning the key interest of our customers to support long term sustainable value creation
- We look far ahead to see and shape the future of Digital transformation